We are currently helping 44 annuitants. Of these 18 are married couples, 4 are widowers or single and 23 are widows. Many of our annuitants are now well into their 80s and 90s. The majority of companies they worked for no longer exist; they are geographically spread over the whole of England, the largest numbers living in Northamptonshire and Somerset. There are also currently 8 annuitants in Eire.
It currently costs around £50,000 a year to keep the level of distribution going by means of our quarterly Charitable Allowance (formerly known as an annuity), bonuses, grants towards one-off payments for equipment, such as mobility scooters, and the Christmas Hampers. The letters of thanks received are evidence of the gratitude felt by the recipients and they also welcome the quarterly letters and Birthday and Christmas cards sent by the Secretary.
Many individual donors contribute under the Gift Aid scheme, a very welcome gesture. We benefit greatly through the generosity of the Leathersellers’ Company and the International Golf Championship of the Shoe, Leather & Allied Trades. Other fundraising events in recent years have been the Waendel Walk in Wellingborough, the annual Cricket Matches, the Kindrochit Quadrathlon in the Scottish Highlands, the Tour of Ireland Cycling Event in 2009, the 2010 Jazz Concert at the Leathersellers’ Hall, and the 2015 London to Paris Cycle Ride, which we organised ourselves! Our Chairman is a keen cyclist and enters sponsored events every two years to raise funds for the LHTBI, in 2013 completing the John O’Groats to Lands’ End Bike Ride in 9 days. Congratulations, William and Sue!
We anticipate further demands on our resources during the coming year and we would ask you, once again, to continue your valuable help and to draw the attention of your colleagues to the important work of the LHTBI and its need for financial support.
The majority of cases nowadays are brought to our attention through the Royal British Legion, SSAFA, Age UK and similar organisations but we feel sure there are others in need who are unaware of the existence of the LHTBI. The Committee would welcome your help in “spreading the news” about the work of the LHTBI.